Whats up, Newgrounders.
So I was searching for freeware, and I came across "Project Dogwaffle."
Not in all of my years of being cheap and using free phucking programs have I ever came across somthing that disobeys you so much, that it keeps making you use it.
I mean:
It's like an addicting video game,
(No, not bible adventures.)
You try something for the fist time, and its like you want to try again more and more, wasting your theoretical time. So about the "Defying the law" part:
I've seen people's tutorials,
the program does what THEY want them to do.
For example, you want the brush's direction to go up, but instead, it goes down. Also, if not down, It goes in all sorts of directions. PHUCKIN EVERYWHAER
Another thing that PISSES ME THE PHUCK OFF
is that it only has three times to undo.
Thats right.
Three times.
Three times.
While "GIMP" on the other hand, saves all of your work entireley so that you have unlimited times to undo. So for people who make alot of mistakes like me, that really helps.
So in my opinion, GIMP is the best freeware art program.
Thats right.
I got like 30,000 characters left.